Frequently asked questions

Here you can find all the answers to frequently asked questions, however if you don’t find an answer to a question you have, please do get in touch and I’ll endeavor to answer it for you

Do you travel for shoots, and what area do you cover?

Yes, I do indeed travel! All shoots are done at the client’s chosen location.
Mileage is charged at 45p per mile, with a free mileage radius of 20 miles from my base near Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

What if my horse doesn’t like the equipment?

A very common and valid concern! Over the years, I’ve only had one horse that I couldn’t shoot due to this issue, and if the circumstances had allowed for more time, I believe I would have been able to help this horse relax enough to allow us to shoot.
I have a whole host of gentle techniques which have allowed me to work with even the most worried of horses, to help them stay calm and enjoy their portrait shoot.
Please read this blog to get a better understanding of how I like to work with more nervous, worried horses.

How long does a shoot last?

This is all very dependent on the individual horse! Some shoots can be completed in as little as 45 minutes, others might take up to 2 hours. It all comes down to how your horse handles the studio set up, how long the might need to relax into it all, how happy they are to stand and pose, etc.
Shoot time will be entirely how long your horse needs, each horse in an individual and is treated as such.

What if I need to reschedule?

Should you need to reschedule, there will be a £75 charge for any date changes 30 days out from your shoot. In extreme cases this fee may be waived.

Can I pay for my shoot in instalments?

Yes! I offer bespoke payment plans to help you spread the cost of your shoot. You can select if you would like a payment plan upon booking.

How do I book my shoot?

Simply click here to be taken to the online booking system, from there you can select your package, any add ons you’d like (Additional horses, additional backdrops, high res images etc.), select the date and time from the available slots, and secure your date with a £65 deposit, all in a matter of minutes.