How to make your dream shoot a reality
So many of us state that we want something to happen over an over, with the phrase following it being "one day" or "when X happens" or "When my horse is fitter/ has a summer coat, etc". As humans, we like to dream, but we're also very good at putting things off vaguely into the distant future, making excuses, and then never doing that thing we always said we wanted to, and before we know it, we can't do that thing any more because time has this way of sweeping life away from us.
I often get sucked into the "one day" self talk too, I know how easy it is. But I've gotten quite good at getting naffed off with myself for putting things off and asking myself the question "If you really want to do this, why the hell do you keep putting it off!?" And then that's usually followed by the vigorous action that gets me to step one of making something happen. But I know I'm a little different like that. I'm quite good at breaking things down into much smaller, manageable actions, and then bullying myself into making them happen for fear of the consequence of letting myself down.
And that's the exact reason I'm writing this blog. Because I'm good at breaking things down, making the impossible perfectly attainable.
I know so so many of you who have said to yourselves and your friends "Oh I'd love to book a shoot with my horse" and have never actually made it happen. You've sat with that dream and let it gather dust, never polishing it off and making it a reality. And I know deep down you really want it, but the easier option is putting it off time and time again. Or is that the easier option? Is it easier to spend all your time wishing? Yes. But will the action of actually doing it bring you so much more joy and elation than wishing ever could? Absolutely!!
So, it's time to chop your excuses and obstacles into bitesize pieces and to make that dream shoot a reality.
Make it affordable
A photoshoot is a big cost. I understand that. Especially when you've got horses, one of the more expensive hobbies (Or should I say lifestyle choices?) around. Horses love to eat you out of house and home, and then get you to call the vet on a weekend because they've decided to gouge a hole in their leg for fun.
But, if you want to immortalize your self harming, money eating, 4 legged fun machine in all their glory, then you'll want to make sure you do it right and not cut the corners. If you're going to book a shoot, something you're not likely to do all that often, then why settle for something that is subpar? Your horse deserves better.
One thing I always ask when clients have paid their deposit, is if they'd like to pay the remaining shoot balance in one lump sum, or over instalments. Now think about it, my cheapest package is £325, pay your £50 deposit and then that's down to £275. If you have your shoot booked for 3 months away, split it into 3 payments, and that's only £91.60 each time, or if you want to spread the cost further, it's £68.75 over 4 payments, which is incredibly manageable!
I'm happy to tailor a payment plan to suit any budget to help make your dream a reality, because I personally think everyone deserves the highest quality images of their horse to truly honour them.
Location, location, location
Do you really not like your yard as a shoot location option? I don't think I've found a yard where I couldn't find 3 different spots to shoot, to create something you wouldn't believe could be shot there. However, if you're really insistent that you don't want to shoot at your yard, tell me!
We can arrange to shoot anywhere you like, so long as you've got the transport, and it's a bonus if the style of location you want can be found within 20 miles of me, because then you'll quality for free mileage too.
Whatever you want, be that forests, hills, open grassland, the beach, or even a yard setting, there will be an option that works for you that I'll be able to help you with.
Don't let location be a barrier, there's always something we can do about it.
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Are your nerves about being in front of the camera stopping you? I know being in front of camera is a daunting prospect, especially if you're self conscious, worried about not looking photogenic, or are the type to offer to take the photo rather than be in it when your friends suggest a group photo.
We live in a society that feeds off our insecurities, that profits off the fact that we don't love ourselves, and then continues to perpetuate that cycle of making us hate ourselves by unceasingly pushing their message with photoshopped models and a barrage of articles telling is how we too can perfect our flaws with these products, whilst then simultaneously criticising women for every tiny thing.
Apologies for the mini rant, but it all makes me absolutely furious.
You know one of the things that has helped me love and appreciate myself for me? Aside from catching myself every time I think a negative thought about my body, it's been feeling the fear and stepping in front of the camera. I've played with my own self portraits, learnt to see myself as a work of art rather than something to be ashamed of and fixed. I even posed nude for another photographer, and when I saw the results I felt an overwhelming wave of pride and self love.
I know I'm going to be biased because I'm a photographer, but seeing myself through photography has gotten me outside of my head and let me see myself as others do.
And another thing, when you look back on the images of your and your horse, are you going to be thinking about how much you weighed that morning? Or zooming in on the lines forming on your face from the life your experienced? Or stressing about the fact that you weren't a size 8 when those photos you took?
No, you won't. You'll be thinking how wonderful that day was, how happy you were, how much fun you had. You'll be gazing back on memories of you and your horse, remembering the special bond you share with them, how they make you feel. You'll be glad you actually took that leap and had the photos taken.
Feel the fear, feel the nerves, and do it anyway. I can guarantee you will not regret it.
My final piece of advice is to just commit to it.
Do the scary thing (As the sticky note on my front door says), and send the email. That email is your first step to committing to making it happen, after that first step, it's as easy as pie to actually make it happen.
Stop saying when, stop making excuses (Because I know damn well you're sick of your own excuses at this point), and book the shoot.
You deserve this, you're worthy of beautiful images and an equally beautiful experience.
And when that day comes that you have to say that painful goodbye to your horse, you'll be glad you did this, to have exquisite memories to look back on. Photos are a bridge to the past, a frozen moment in time, that, when looked at, transport us back to that moment, reminding us of everything we felt, the joy, the soft warmth of your horse as you breathed him in, his character that filled your heart with love. All of it.
If you're finally ready to make this commitment, to make your dream come true, then this is your sign.
Fill out the contact form here and let's make this a reality.
Stay creative,
Emma x